Evadarea din HTML

Totul ce se află în afara perechilor de tag-uri de deschidere și închidere este ignorat de către parsatorul PHP, ceea ce permite fișierelor PHP să aibă conținut mixt. Aceasta permite PHP să fie încorporat în documente HTML, de exemplu pentru a crea șabloane.

<p>Acesta va fi ignorat de PHP și afișat în browser.</p>
<?php echo 'În timp ce acesta va fi parsat.'?>
<p>Acesta va fi de asemenea ignorat de PHP și afișat în browser.</p>
Aceasta funcționează conform așteptărilor, deoarece când PHP întâlnește tag-ul de închidere, pur și simplu începe să afișeze tot ce găsește (cu excepția trecerii la linie nouă ce urmează imediat după acesta - vezi separarea instrucțiunilor) până când dă de un alt tag de deschidere, doar dacă nu este în mijlocul unei declarații condiționale, caz în care interpretatorul va determina rezultatul condiționalului înainte de a lua o decizie peste ce să sară. Vezi următorul exemplu.

Utilizarea structurilor cu condiții

Example #1 Evadare avansată folosind condiții

<?php if ($expression == true): ?>
  Aceasta se va afișa dacă expresia este adevărată.
<?php else: ?>
  Altfel aceasta va fi afișat.
<?php endif; ?>
În acest exemplu PHP va sări peste blocurile unde conționalul nu este îndeplinit, chiar dacă sunt în afara tag-urilor PHP de deschidere/închidere; PHP sare peste ele conform condițiilor, deoarece interpretatorul PHP va sări peste blocurile condiției neîndeplinite.

Pentru afișarea blocurilor mari de text, în general ieșirea din parsatorul PHP este mai eficientă decât trimiterea întregului text prin echo sau print.

De asemenea există tag-ul scurt de afișare <?= ?>.


De asemenea rețineți că dacă încorporați PHP în XML sau XHTML va trebui să folosiți tag-urile <?php ?> pentru a vă conforma standardelor.

Example #2 Tag-uri PHP de deschidere și închidere

1.  <?php echo 'dacă vrei să folosești cod PHP în documente XHTML sau XML
                folosește aceste tag-uri'

2.  Puteți utiliza tag-ul scurt de afișare pentru a <?= 'afișa aceasta' ?>.
    Aceasta este echivalent cu <?php echo 'afișa aceasta' ?>.

3.  <? echo 'acest cod este între tag-uri scurte și va funcționa doar dacă '.
            'opțiunea short_open_tag este activată'; ?>

Tag-uri scurte (exemplul trei) sunt disponibile implicit, dar pot fi dezactivate cu ajutorul directivei short_open_tag din fișierul de configurare php.ini, sau dacă PHP a fost configurat cu opțiunea --disable-short-tags.


Deoarece tag-urile scurte pot fi dezactivate, se recomandă utilizarea doar a tag-urilor normale (<?php ?> și <?= ?>) pentru a maximiza compatibilitatea.

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User Contributed Notes 12 notes

quickfur at quickfur dot ath dot cx
13 years ago
When the documentation says that the PHP parser ignores everything outside the <?php ... ?> tags, it means literally EVERYTHING. Including things you normally wouldn't consider "valid", such as the following:

<p<?php if ($highlight): ?> class="highlight"<?php endif;?>>This is a paragraph.</p>

Notice how the PHP code is embedded in the middle of an HTML opening tag. The PHP parser doesn't care that it's in the middle of an opening tag, and doesn't require that it be closed. It also doesn't care that after the closing ?> tag is the end of the HTML opening tag. So, if $highlight is true, then the output will be:

<p class="highlight">This is a paragraph.</p>

Otherwise, it will be:

<p>This is a paragraph.</p>

Using this method, you can have HTML tags with optional attributes, depending on some PHP condition. Extremely flexible and useful!
ravenswd at gmail dot com
14 years ago
One aspect of PHP that you need to be careful of, is that ?> will drop you out of PHP code and into HTML even if it appears inside a // comment. (This does not apply to /* */ comments.) This can lead to unexpected results. For example, take this line:

= '<?php die(); ?>' . "\n";

If you try to remove it by turning it into a comment, you get this:

//  $file_contents  = '<?php die(); ?>' . "\n";

Which results in ' . "\n"; (and whatever is in the lines following it) to be output to your HTML page.

The cure is to either comment it out using /* */ tags, or re-write the line as:

= '<' . '?php die(); ?' . '>' . "\n";
sgurukrupa at gmail dot com
10 years ago
Although not specifically pointed out in the main text, escaping from HTML also applies to other control statements:

<?php for ($i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i): ?>
Hello, there!
<?php endfor; ?>

When the above code snippet is executed we get the following output:

Hello, there!
Hello, there!
Hello, there!
Hello, there!
3 years ago
When the PHP interpreter hits the ?> closing tags, it WON'T output right away if it's inside of a conditional statement:
(no matter if it's an Alternative Syntax or not)

= 1;
$b = 2;
if (
$a === 1) {
    if (
$b == 2) {
} else {

This would output `<html><head></head></html>`.
Aside from conditional statements, the PHP interpreter also skip over functions! What a surprise!

function show($a) {
    <a href="https://www.<?php echo $a ?>.com">
    <?php show("google") ?>

This gives `<html><body><a href="https://www.google.com">Link</a></body></html>`.
These really confused me, because at first I thought it would output any HTML code right away, except for Alternative Syntaxes (https://www.php.net/manual/en/control-structures.alternative-syntax.php). There are more strange cases than I thought.
snor_007 at hotmail dot com
14 years ago
Playing around with different open and close tags I discovered you can actually mix different style open/close tags

some examples

//your php code here


<script language="php">
//php code here
anisgazig at gmail dot com
4 years ago
Version of  7.0.0,3 tags are available in php.
1.long form tag (<?php ?>)
2.short echo tag(<?= ?>)
3.short_open_tag(? ?)
You can use short_open_tag when you start xml with php.
coder at fishlet dot com
3 years ago
I find the notion that PHP "starts parsing" inside a <?php ... ?> tag, and "just passes through" everything outside a tag, to be a confusing oversimplification and generally wrong.

For example, this code would be inexplicable:

  <?php for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { ?>
  <?php } ?>

I think a better way to look at it is that the PHP parser turns any text NOT inside a <?php ... ?> tag into an implicit echo statement that is embedded at the corresponding place in the code.
3 years ago
Since it's not documented (AFAICT) and it might cause confusion: a single line break immediately after ?> is ignored. Since whitespace is hard to see, whitespace is replaced with _ and the following code

<?php echo '1'; ?>
echo '2'; ?>_
<?php echo '3'; ?>
_<?php echo '4'; ?>_<?php echo '5'; ?>

will produce

Emil Cataranciuc
6 years ago
"<script language="php"> </script>, are always available." since PHP 7.0.0 is no longer true. These are removed along the ASP "<%, %>, <%=" tags.
mike at clove dot com
13 years ago
It's possible to write code to create php escapes which can be processed later by substituting \x3f for '?' - as in echo "<\x3fphp echo 'foo'; \x3f>";

This is useful for creating a template parser which later is rendered by PHP.
3 years ago
<p>This is ignore by the php parser and displayed by the browser </p>

<?php echo "While this is going to be parsed"; ?>


when php interpreter hits the closing tag it start to outputing everything whatever it finds until it hit another opening tag
.If php interpreter find a conditional statement in the middle of a block then php interpreter decided which block skip 

Advanced escaping using conditions

<?php $a = 10; if($a<100): ?>
  This conditional block is executed
  <?php else: ?>
      otherwise this will be executed
      <?php endif; ?>

In php 5 version,there are 5 opening and closing tags.
1.<?php echo "standard long form php tag and if you use xml with php this tag will be use";?>

2.<?= "short echo tag and alwayes available from 5.4.0";?>

3.<? echo "short open tag which is available if short_open_tag is enable in php ini configuration file directive or php was configured with --enable-short-tags.This tag has discoursed from php 7.If you want to use xml with php,then short_open_tag in php ini will be disabled";?>

4.<script language="php">
echo "Some editor do not like processing the code within this tag and this tag is removed from php 7.0.0 version";


5.<% echo "asp style tag and asp_tags should be enabled but now php 7.0.0 version,this tag is removed";%>
admin at furutsuzeru dot net
15 years ago
These methods are just messy. Short-opening tags and ASP-styled tags are not always enabled on servers. The <script language="php"></script> alternative is just out there. You should just use the traditional tag opening:


Coding islands, for example:

;?> is happy.
= strtoupper($me);
;?> is happier.

Lead to something along the lines of messy code. Writing your application like this can just prove to be more of an
inconvenience when it comes to maintenance.

If you have to deal chunks of HTML, then consider having a templating system do the job for you. It is a poor idea to rely on the coding islands method as a template system in any way, and for reasons listed above.
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