
(PHP 7)

inflate_addIncrementally inflate encoded data


inflate_add ( InflateContext $context , string $data , int $flush_mode = ZLIB_SYNC_FLUSH ) : string|false

Incrementally inflates encoded data in the specified context.

Limitation: header information from GZIP compressed data are not made available.



A context created with inflate_init().


A chunk of compressed data.


One of ZLIB_BLOCK, ZLIB_NO_FLUSH, ZLIB_PARTIAL_FLUSH, ZLIB_SYNC_FLUSH (default), ZLIB_FULL_FLUSH, ZLIB_FINISH. Normally you will want to set ZLIB_NO_FLUSH to maximize compression, and ZLIB_FINISH to terminate with the last chunk of data. See the » zlib manual for a detailed description of these constants.

Valorile întoarse

Returns a chunk of uncompressed data, sau false în cazul eșecului.


If invalid parameters are given, inflating the data requires a preset dictionary, but none is specified, the compressed stream is corrupt or has an invalid checksum, an error of level E_WARNING is generated.

Istoricul schimbărilor

Versiune Descriere
8.0.0 context expects an InflateContext instance now; previously, a resource was expected.

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