

(PHP 5, PHP 7)

mysqli::$thread_id -- mysqli_thread_idReturns the thread ID for the current connection


Estilo orientado à objeto

Estilo procedural

mysqli_thread_id ( mysqli $mysql ) : int

The mysqli_thread_id() function returns the thread ID for the current connection which can then be killed using the mysqli_kill() function. If the connection is lost and you reconnect with mysqli_ping(), the thread ID will be other. Therefore you should get the thread ID only when you need it.


The thread ID is assigned on a connection-by-connection basis. Hence, if the connection is broken and then re-established a new thread ID will be assigned.

To kill a running query you can use the SQL command KILL QUERY processid.



Somente no estilo procedural: Um recurso link retornado por mysqli_connect() ou mysqli_init()

Valor Retornado

Returns the Thread ID for the current connection.


Exemplo #1 $mysqli->thread_id example

Estilo orientado à objeto

= new mysqli("localhost""my_user""my_password""world");

/* check connection */
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n"mysqli_connect_error());

/* determine our thread id */
$thread_id $mysqli->thread_id;

/* Kill connection */

/* This should produce an error */
if (!$mysqli->query("CREATE TABLE myCity LIKE City")) {
printf("Error: %s\n"$mysqli->error);

/* close connection */

Estilo procedural


/* check connection */
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n"mysqli_connect_error());

/* determine our thread id */
$thread_id mysqli_thread_id($link);

/* Kill connection */

/* This should produce an error */
if (!mysqli_query($link"CREATE TABLE myCity LIKE City")) {
printf("Error: %s\n"mysqli_error($link));

/* close connection */

Os exemplos acima irão imprimir:

Error: MySQL server has gone away

Veja Também

  • mysqli_kill() - Solicita ao servidor o encerramento de um thread do MySQL

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