

(PHP 5, PHP 7)

mysqli::$insert_id -- mysqli_insert_idRetourne l'identifiant automatiquement généré utilisé par la dernière requête


Style orienté objet

int|string $mysqli->insert_id;

Style procédural

mysqli_insert_id(mysqli $mysql): int|string

La fonction mysqli_insert_id() retourne l'identifiant généré par une requête (généralement INSERT) sur une table avec une colonne possédant l'attribut AUTO_INCREMENT. Si aucune instruction INSERT ou UPDATE n'a été envoyé grâce à cette connexion, ou si la table modifié ne possède pas de colone avec l'attribut AUTO_INCREMENT, cette fonction retournera zéro.


Exécuter une commande INSERT ou UPDATE utilisant la fonction LAST_INSERT_ID() modifiera aussi la valeur retournée par la fonction mysqli_insert_id().

Liste de paramètres


Seulement en style procédural : Un objet mysqli retourné par la fonction mysqli_connect() ou par la fonction mysqli_init()

Valeurs de retour

La valeur du champ AUTO_INCREMENT modifiée par la dernière requête. Retourne zéro s'il n'y a pas eu de requête sur la connexion ou si la dernière requête n'a pas modifié la valeur de l'AUTO_INCREMENT.


Si le nombre est plus grand que la valeur maximale d'un entier, mysqli_insert_id() retournera une chaîne le représentant.


Exemple #1 Exemple avec $mysqli->insert_id

Style orienté objet

= new mysqli("localhost""my_user""my_password""world");

/* Vérification de la connexion */
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
printf("Échec de la connexion : %s\n"mysqli_connect_error());

$mysqli->query("CREATE TABLE myCity LIKE City");

$query "INSERT INTO myCity VALUES (NULL, 'Stuttgart', 'DEU', 'Stuttgart', 617000)";

printf ("Le nouvel enregistrement a l'id %d.\n"$mysqli->insert_id);

/* drop table */
$mysqli->query("DROP TABLE myCity");

/* Fermeture de la connexion */

Style procédural


/* Vérification de la connexion */
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
printf("Échec de la connexion : %s\n"mysqli_connect_error());

mysqli_query($link"CREATE TABLE myCity LIKE City");

$query "INSERT INTO myCity VALUES (NULL, 'Stuttgart', 'DEU', 'Stuttgart', 617000)";

printf ("Le nouvel enregistrement a l'id %d.\n"mysqli_insert_id($link));

/* drop table */
mysqli_query($link"DROP TABLE myCity");

/* Fermeture de la connexion */

Les exemples ci-dessus vont afficher :

Le nouvel enregistrement a l'id 1.
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User Contributed Notes 8 notes

will at phpfever dot com
18 years ago
I have received many statements that the insert_id property has a bug because it "works sometimes".  Keep in mind that when using the OOP approach, the actual instantiation of the mysqli class will hold the insert_id. 

The following code will return nothing.
= new mysqli('host','user','pass','db');
if (
$result = $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO t (field) VALUES ('value');")) {
'The ID is: '.$result->insert_id;

This is because the insert_id property doesn't belong to the result, but rather the actual mysqli class.  This would work:

= new mysqli('host','user','pass','db');
if (
$result = $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO t (field) VALUES ('value');")) {
'The ID is: '.$mysqli->insert_id;
alan at commondream dot net
19 years ago
I was having problems with getting the inserted id, and did a bit of testing. It ended up that if you commit a transaction before getting the last inserted id, it returns 0 every time, but if you get the last inserted id before committing the transaction, you get the correct value.
bert at nospam thinc dot nl
15 years ago
Watch out for the oo-style use of $db->insert_id. When the insert_id exceeds 2^31 (2147483648) fetching the insert id renders a wrong, too large number. You better use the procedural mysqli_insert_id( $db ) instead.

[EDIT by danbrown AT php DOT net: This is another prime example of the limits of 32-bit signed integers.]
mmulej at gmail dot com
3 years ago
There has been no examples with prepared statements yet.

$u_name = "John Doe";
$u_email = "";

$stmt = $connection->prepare(
    "INSERT INTO users (name, email) VALUES (?, ?)"
$stmt->bind_param('ss', $u_name, $u_email);

echo $stmt->insert_id;

For UPDATE you simply change query string and binding parameters accordingly, the rest stays the same.

Of course the table needs to have AUTOINCREMENT PRIMARY KEY.
Nick Baicoianu
17 years ago
When running extended inserts on a table with an AUTO_INCREMENT field, the value of mysqli_insert_id() will equal the value of the *first* row inserted, not the last, as you might expect.

//mytable has an auto_increment field
$db->query("INSERT INTO mytable (field1,field2,field3) VALUES ('val1','val2','val3'),

$db->insert_id; //will echo the id of the FIRST row inserted
www dot wesley at gmail dot com
4 years ago
When using "INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `id` = LAST_INSERT_ID(`id`)", the AUTO_INCREMENT will increase in an InnoDB table, but not in a MyISAM table.
owenzx at gmail dot com
10 years ago
The example is lack of insert_id in multi_query. Here is my example:
Assuming you have a new test_db in mysql like this:

create database if not exists test_db;
use test_db;
create table user_info (_id serial, name varchar(100) not null);
create table house_info (_id serial, address varchar(100) not null);

Then you run a php file like this:

('SERVER', '127.0.01');
define('MYSQL_USER', 'your_user_name');
define('MYSQL_PASSWORD', 'your_password');

$db = new mysqli(SERVER, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD, "test_db", 3306);
if (
"create db failed, error is ", $db->connect_error;
else {
$sql = "insert into user_info "
. "(name) values "
. "('owen'), ('john'), ('lily')";
  if (!
$result = $db->query($sql))
"insert failed, error: ", $db->error;
"last insert id in query is ", $db->insert_id, "\n";
$sql = "insert into user_info"
. "(name) values "
. "('jim');";
$sql .= "insert into house_info "
. "(address) values "
. "('shenyang')";
  if (!
"insert failed in multi_query, error: ", $db->error;
  else {
"last insert id in first multi_query is ", $db->insert_id, "\n";
    if (
$db->more_results() && $db->next_result())
"last insert id in second multi_query is ", $db->insert_id, "\n";
"insert failed in multi_query, second query error is ", $db->error;

You will get output like this:

last insert id in query is 1
last insert id in first multi_query is 4
last insert id in second multi_query is 1

1 insert_id works in multi_query
2 insert_id is the first id mysql has used if you have insert multi values
drburnett at mail dot com
7 years ago
This seems to return that last id entered.
BUT,  if you have multiple users running the same code, depending on the server or processor I have seen it return the wrong id.

Test Case:
Two users added an item to their list.
I have had a few times where the id was the id from the other user.
This is very very rare and it only happens on my test server and not my main server.

I am guessing it is because of multicores (maybe hyperthreading) or how the operating system handles multi-threads.

It is rare, but it happens.
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