
(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

pcntl_alarmPlanifie une alarme pour délivrer un signal


pcntl_alarm(int $seconds): int

Créé un compte à rebours qui enverra un signal SIGALRM au processus après seconds secondes. Tout appel à pcntl_alarm() annulera les comptes à rebours précédemment configurés.

Liste de paramètres


Le nombre de secondes à attendre. Si seconds vaut 0, aucune nouvelle alarme ne sera créée.

Valeurs de retour

Retourne le temps en seconde qui reste avant l'exécution de l'alarme précédente, ou 0 si aucune alarme n'était planifiée.

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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

kuba at valentine dot dev
3 years ago
This is that universal timeout functionality you dreamed about and always wanted to have and guess what - it's as reliable as it gets, it's basically bulletproof. It can interrupt absolutely anything you throw at it and more, you name it - socket_connect(), socket_read(), fread(), infinite while() loops, sleep(), semaphores - seriously, any blocking operation. You can specify your own handler and just get over anything that normally would make your code unresponsive.

* Because we shouldn't handle asynchronous
* events in synchronous manner.

* Some flag we can change to know for sure
* that our operation timed out.
$timed_out = FALSE;

* Register SIGALRM signal handler to avoid
* getting our process killed when signal arrives.
pcntl_signal(SIGALRM, function($signal) use ($timed_out) {
$timed_out = TRUE;

* Now we set our timeout for 2 seconds, but it's not set in stone
* we can call pcntl_alarm() anytime to extend or to turn if off.

* Here we do something with unpredictable outcome that could
* possibly block our program for a very long time.
* I like sockets as an example, but it can be anything.
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
$connection = socket_connect($socket, 'irc.ircnet.com', 6667);

* If our blocking operation didn't timed out then
* timer is still ticking, we should turn it off ASAP.
$timed_out || pcntl_alarm(0);

* And now we do whatever we want to do.
$status = $connection ? 'Connected.' : ($timed_out ? 'Timed out.' : socket_strerror(socket_last_error($socket)));
'STATUS: '. $status . PHP_EOL;
6 years ago
Use pcntl_signal_dispatch() to catch the signal, don't use declare(ticks=1) because it is ineffcient

(SIGALRM, function () {
'Received an alarm signal !' . PHP_EOL;


while (
true) {
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