Covarianza y Contravarianza

En PHP 7.2.0, se introdujo la contravarianza parcial mediante la eliminación de las restricciones de tipo en los parámetros de un método hijo. A partir de PHP 7.4.0, se añadió soporte completo de covarianza y contravarianza.

La covarianza permite que el método hijo devuelva un tipo más específico que el tipo de devolución del método de su padre. Mientras que la contravarianza permite que un tipo de parámetro sea menos específico en un método hijo, que el de su padre.


Para ilustrar cómo funciona la covarianza, una simple clase de padre abstracta, Animal es creada. Animal se extenderá a las clases hijo, Cat, y Dog.


abstract class Animal
string $name;

    public function 
__construct(string $name)
$this->name $name;

    abstract public function 

Dog extends Animal
    public function 
$this->name " barks";

Cat extends Animal 
    public function 
$this->name " meows";

Observe que no hay ningún método que devuelva valores en este ejemplo. Unas pocas fábricas que devuelven un nuevo objeto de tipo clase Animal, Cat, o Dog.


interface AnimalShelter
    public function 
adopt(string $name): Animal;

CatShelter implements AnimalShelter
    public function 
adopt(string $name): Cat // instead of returning class type Animal, it can return class type Cat
        return new 

DogShelter implements AnimalShelter
    public function 
adopt(string $name): Dog // instead of returning class type Animal, it can return class type Dog
        return new 

$kitty = (new CatShelter)->adopt("Ricky");

$doggy = (new DogShelter)->adopt("Mavrick");

El resultado del ejemplo sería:

Ricky meows
Mavrick barks


Continuando con el ejemplo anterior con las clases Animal, Cat, y Dog, una clase llamada Food y AnimalFood serán incluidas, y un método eat(AnimalFood $food) es añadido a la clase abstracta Animal.


class Food {}

AnimalFood extends Food {}

abstract class 
string $name;

    public function 
__construct(string $name)
$this->name $name;

    public function 
eat(AnimalFood $food)
$this->name " eats " get_class($food);

Para ver el comportamiento de la contravención, el método eat se sobrescribe en la clase Dog para permitir cualquier tipo de objeto Food. La clase Cat permanece sin cambios.


class Dog extends Animal
    public function 
eat(Food $food) {
$this->name " eats " get_class($food);

El siguiente ejemplo mostrará el comportamiento de la contravarianza.


= (new CatShelter)->adopt("Ricky");
$catFood = new AnimalFood();

$doggy = (new DogShelter)->adopt("Mavrick");
$banana = new Food();

El resultado del ejemplo sería:

Ricky eats AnimalFood
Mavrick eats Food

¿Pero qué pasa si el (gatito) $kitty trata de (comer) eat la $banana?


El resultado del ejemplo sería:

Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Animal::eat() must be an instance of AnimalFood, instance of Food given
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User Contributed Notes 4 notes

xedin dot unknown at gmail dot com
4 years ago
I would like to explain why covariance and contravariance are important, and why they apply to return types and parameter types respectively, and not the other way around.

Covariance is probably easiest to understand, and is directly related to the Liskov Substitution Principle. Using the above example, let's say that we receive an `AnimalShelter` object, and then we want to use it by invoking its `adopt()` method. We know that it returns an `Animal` object, and no matter what exactly that object is, i.e. whether it is a `Cat` or a `Dog`, we can treat them the same. Therefore, it is OK to specialize the return type: we know at least the common interface of any thing that can be returned, and we can treat all of those values in the same way.

Contravariance is slightly more complicated. It is related very much to the practicality of increasing the flexibility of a method. Using the above example again, perhaps the "base" method `eat()` accepts a specific type of food; however, a _particular_ animal may want to support a _wider range_ of food types. Maybe it, like in the above example, adds functionality to the original method that allows it to consume _any_ kind of food, not just that meant for animals. The "base" method in `Animal` already implements the functionality allowing it to consume food specialized for animals. The overriding method in the `Dog` class can check if the parameter is of type `AnimalFood`, and simply invoke `parent::eat($food)`. If the parameter is _not_ of the specialized type, it can perform additional or even completely different processing of that parameter - without breaking the original signature, because it _still_ handles the specialized type, but also more. That's why it is also related closely to the Liskov Substitution: consumers may still pass a specialized food type to the `Animal` without knowing exactly whether it is a `Cat` or `Dog`.
4 years ago
Covariance also works with general type-hinting, note also the interface:

interface xInterface
    public function y() : object;

abstract class x implements xInterface
    abstract public function y() : object;

class a extends x
    public function y() : \DateTime
        return new \DateTime("now");

$a = new a;
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
maxim dot kainov at gmail dot com
3 years ago
This example will not work:


class CatFood extends AnimalFood { }

Cat extends Animal
    public function
eat(CatFood $food) {
$this->name . " eats " . get_class($food);


The reason is:

class DogFood extends AnimalFood { }
feedAnimal(Animal $animal, AnimalFood $food) {

$cat = new Cat();
$dogFood = new DogFood();  

feedAnimal($cat, $dogFood);   

But you can do it with traits, like this:


trait AnimalTrait
    public function
eat(AnimalFood $food)
$this->name . " ест " . get_class($food);


    public function
eat(CatFood $food) {
$this->name . " eats " . get_class($food);

3 years ago
Following the examples above, you might assume the following would be possible.


class CatFood extends AnimalFood { ... }

Cat extends Animal
    public function
eat(CatFood $food) {
$this->name . " eats " . get_class($food);


However, the Liskov Substitution Prinicpal, and therefore PHP, forbids this.  There's no way for cats to eat cat food, if animals are defined as eating animal food.

There are a large number of legitimate abstractions that are forbidden by PHP, due to this restriction.
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