
An int is a number of the set ℤ = {..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...}.

See also:


ints can be specified in decimal (base 10), hexadecimal (base 16), octal (base 8) or binary (base 2) notation. The negation operator can be used to denote a negative int.

To use octal notation, precede the number with a 0 (zero). To use hexadecimal notation precede the number with 0x. To use binary notation precede the number with 0b.

As of PHP 7.4.0, integer literals may contain underscores (_) between digits, for better readability of literals. These underscores are removed by PHP's scanner.

Beispiel #1 Integer literals

1234// decimal number
$a 0123// octal number (equivalent to 83 decimal)
$a 0x1A// hexadecimal number (equivalent to 26 decimal)
$a 0b11111111// binary number (equivalent to 255 decimal)
$a 1_234_567// decimal number (as of PHP 7.4.0)

Formally, the structure for int literals is as of PHP 7.4.0 (previously, underscores have not been allowed):

decimal     : [1-9][0-9]*(_[0-9]+)*
            | 0

hexadecimal : 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+(_[0-9a-fA-F]+)*

octal       : 0[0-7]+(_[0-7]+)*

binary      : 0[bB][01]+(_[01]+)*

integer     : decimal
            | hexadecimal
            | octal
            | binary

The size of an int is platform-dependent, although a maximum value of about two billion is the usual value (that's 32 bits signed). 64-bit platforms usually have a maximum value of about 9E18. PHP does not support unsigned ints. int size can be determined using the constant PHP_INT_SIZE, maximum value using the constant PHP_INT_MAX, and minimum value using the constant PHP_INT_MIN.

Integer overflow

If PHP encounters a number beyond the bounds of the int type, it will be interpreted as a float instead. Also, an operation which results in a number beyond the bounds of the int type will return a float instead.

Beispiel #2 Integer overflow on a 32-bit system

var_dump($large_number);                     // int(2147483647)

$large_number 2147483648;
var_dump($large_number);                     // float(2147483648)

$million 1000000;
$large_number =  50000 $million;
var_dump($large_number);                     // float(50000000000)

Beispiel #3 Integer overflow on a 64-bit system

var_dump($large_number);                     // int(9223372036854775807)

$large_number 9223372036854775808;
var_dump($large_number);                     // float(9.2233720368548E+18)

$million 1000000;
$large_number =  50000000000000 $million;
var_dump($large_number);                     // float(5.0E+19)

There is no int division operator in PHP, to achieve this use the intdiv() function. 1/2 yields the float 0.5. The value can be cast to an int to round it towards zero, or the round() function provides finer control over rounding.

(25/7);         // float(3.5714285714286)
var_dump((int) (25/7)); // int(3)
var_dump(round(25/7));  // float(4)

Converting to integer

To explicitly convert a value to int, use either the (int) or (integer) casts. However, in most cases the cast is not needed, since a value will be automatically converted if an operator, function or control structure requires an int argument. A value can also be converted to int with the intval() function.

If a resource is converted to an int, then the result will be the unique resource number assigned to the resource by PHP at runtime.

See also Type Juggling.

From booleans

false will yield 0 (zero), and true will yield 1 (one).

From floating point numbers

When converting from float to int, the number will be rounded towards zero.

If the float is beyond the boundaries of int (usually +/- 2.15e+9 = 2^31 on 32-bit platforms and +/- 9.22e+18 = 2^63 on 64-bit platforms), the result is undefined, since the float doesn't have enough precision to give an exact int result. No warning, not even a notice will be issued when this happens!


NaN and Infinity will always be zero when cast to int.


Never cast an unknown fraction to int, as this can sometimes lead to unexpected results.

echo (int) ( (0.1+0.7) * 10 ); // echoes 7!

See also the warning about float precision.

From strings

If the string is numeric or leading numeric then it will resolve to the corresponding integer value, otherwise it is converted to zero (0).


null is always converted to zero (0).

From other types


The behaviour of converting to int is undefined for other types. Do not rely on any observed behaviour, as it can change without notice.

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User Contributed Notes 25 notes

php at richardneill dot org
11 years ago
A leading zero in a numeric literal means "this is octal". But don't be confused: a leading zero in a string does not. Thus:
$x = 0123;          // 83
$y = "0123" + 0     // 123
d_n at NOSPAM dot Loryx dot com
16 years ago
Here are some tricks to convert from a "dotted" IP address to a LONG int, and backwards. This is very useful because accessing an IP addy in a database table is very much faster if it's stored as a BIGINT rather than in characters.

= explode('.',$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$ip       = $ipArr[0] * 0x1000000
+ $ipArr[1] * 0x10000
+ $ipArr[2] * 0x100
+ $ipArr[3]

IP as BIGINT read from db back to dotted form:

Keep in mind, PHP integer operators are INTEGER -- not long. Also, since there is no integer divide in PHP, we save a couple of S-L-O-W floor (<division>)'s by doing bitshifts. We must use floor(/) for $ipArr[0] because though $ipVal is stored as a long value, $ipVal >> 24 will operate on a truncated, integer value of $ipVal! $ipVint is, however, a nice integer, so
we can enjoy the bitshifts.

= $row['client_IP'];
$ipArr = array(0 =>
floor$ipVal               / 0x1000000) );
$ipVint   = $ipVal-($ipArr[0]*0x1000000); // for clarity
$ipArr[1] = ($ipVint & 0xFF0000)  >> 16;
$ipArr[2] = ($ipVint & 0xFF00  )  >> 8;
$ipArr[3] =  $ipVint & 0xFF;
$ipDotted = implode('.', $ipArr);
dhairya lakhera
6 years ago
Question :
var_dump((int) 010);  //Output 8

var_dump((int) "010"); //output 10

First one is octal notation so the output is correct. But what about the when converting "010" to integer. it should be also output 8 ?
Answer :

Casting to an integer using (int) will always cast to the default base, which is 10.

Casting a string to a number this way does not take into account the many ways of formatting an integer value in PHP (leading zero for base 8, leading "0x" for base 16, leading "0b" for base 2). It will simply look at the first characters in a string and convert them to a base 10 integer. Leading zeroes will be stripped off because they have no meaning in numerical values, so you will end up with the decimal value 10 for (int)"010".

Converting an integer value between bases using (int)010 will take into account the various ways of formatting an integer. A leading zero like in 010 means the number is in octal notation, using (int)010 will convert it to the decimal value 8 in base 10.

This is similar to how you use 0x10 to write in hexadecimal (base 16) notation. Using (int)0x10 will convert that to the base 10 decimal value 16, whereas using (int)"0x10" will end up with the decimal value 0: since the "x" is not a numerical value, anything after that will be ignored.

If you want to interpret the string "010" as an octal value, you need to instruct PHP to do so. intval("010", 8) will interpret the number in base 8 instead of the default base 10, and you will end up with the decimal value 8. You could also use octdec("010") to convert the octal string to the decimal value 8. Another option is to use base_convert("010", 8, 10) to explicitly convert the number "010" from base 8 to base 10, however this function will return the string "8" instead of the integer 8.

Casting a string to an integer follows the same the logic used by the intval function:

Returns the integer value of var, using the specified base for the conversion (the default is base 10).
intval allows specifying a different base as the second argument, whereas a straight cast operation does not, so using (int) will always treat a string as being in base 10.

php > var_export((int) "010");
php > var_export(intval("010"));
php > var_export(intval("010", 8));
egwayjen at gmail dot com
6 years ago
"There is no integer division operator in PHP". But since PHP 7, there is the intdiv function.
9 years ago
Converting to an integer works only if the input begins with a number
(int) "5txt" // will output the integer 5
(int) "before5txt" // will output the integer 0
(int) "53txt" // will output the integer 53
(int) "53txt534text" // will output the integer 53
17 years ago
To force the correct usage of 32-bit unsigned integer in some functions, just add '+0'  just before processing them.

for example
will print '7FFFFFFF'
but it should print 'A269BBA6'

When adding '+0' php will handle the 32bit unsigned integer
will print 'A269BBA6'
17 years ago
Be careful with using the modulo operation on big numbers, it will cast a float argument to an int and may return wrong results. For example:
= 6887129852;
"alternative i%36=".($i-floor($i/36)*36)."\n";
Will output:
alternative i%36=20
8 years ago
= explode('.', $ipString);
$ipVal = ($ipArr[0] << 24)
       + (
$ipArr[1] << 16)
       + (
$ipArr[2] << 8)
1. the priority of bit op is lower than '+',so there should be brackets.
2. there is no unsighed int in PHP, if you use 32 bit version,the code above will get negative result when the first position of IP string greater than 127.
3. what the code actually do is calculate the integer value of transformed 32 binary bit from IP string.
16 years ago
d_n at NOSPAM dot Loryx dot com
13-Aug-2007 05:33
Here are some tricks to convert from a "dotted" IP address to a LONG int, and backwards. This is very useful because accessing an IP addy in a database table is very much faster if it's stored as a BIGINT rather than in characters.

= explode('.',$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$ip       = $ipArr[0] * 0x1000000
+ $ipArr[1] * 0x10000
+ $ipArr[2] * 0x100
+ $ipArr[3]

This can be written in a bit more efficient way:
= explode('.',$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$ip       = $ipArr[0]<<24
+ $ipArr[1]<<16
+ $ipArr[2] <<8
+ $ipArr[3]

shift is more cheaper.
ganlvtech at qq dot com
3 years ago
Be aware of float to int cast overflow


// You may expected these
var_dump(0x7fffffffffffffff);                // int(9223372036854775807)
var_dump(0x7fffffffffffffff + 1);            // float(9.2233720368548E+18)
var_dump((int)(0x7fffffffffffffff + 1));     // int(9223372036854775807)
var_dump(0x7fffffffffffffff + 1 > 0);        // bool(true)
var_dump((int)(0x7fffffffffffffff + 1) > 0); // bool(true)
var_dump((int)'9223372036854775807');        // int(9223372036854775807)
var_dump(9223372036854775808);               // float(9.2233720368548E+18)
var_dump((int)'9223372036854775808');        // int(9223372036854775807)
var_dump((int)9223372036854775808);          // int(9223372036854775807)

// But actually, it likes these
var_dump(0x7fffffffffffffff);                // int(9223372036854775807)
var_dump(0x7fffffffffffffff + 1);            // float(9.2233720368548E+18)
var_dump((int)(0x7fffffffffffffff + 1));     // int(-9223372036854775808)   <-----
var_dump(0x7fffffffffffffff + 1 > 0);        // bool(true)
var_dump((int)(0x7fffffffffffffff + 1) > 0); // bool(false)                 <-----
var_dump((int)'9223372036854775807');        // int(9223372036854775807)
var_dump(9223372036854775808);               // float(9.2233720368548E+18)
var_dump((int)'9223372036854775808');        // int(9223372036854775807)
var_dump((int)9223372036854775808);          // int(-9223372036854775808)   <-----


These overflows are dangerous when you try to compare it with zero, or substract it from another value (e.g. money).
kuzawinski dot marcin_NOSPAM at gmail dot com
3 years ago
Integer literals may be decimal, octal, hexadecimal or binary, but integer values have single representation;


(010); // int(8) NOT int(010)
var_dump(0x10); // int(16) NOT int(0x10)
var_dump(0b10); // int(2) NOT int(0b10)


This is the reason why casting integer to string gives us always a decimal:


((string) 010); // string(8) NOT string(010)
var_dump((string) 0x10); // string(16) NOT string(0x10)
var_dump((string) 0b10); // string(2) NOT string(0b10)

20 years ago
Sometimes you need to parse an unsigned
32 bit integer. Here's a function I 've used:
    function parse_unsigned_int($string) {
        $x = (float)$string;
        if ($x > (float)2147483647)
            $x -= (float)"4294967296";
        return (int)$x;
17 years ago
On 64 bits machines max integer value is 0x7fffffffffffffff (9 223 372 036 854 775 807).
pere dot cil at wanadoo dot fr
13 years ago
Please also note that the maximum stored in the integer depends on the platform / compilation; on windows xp 32 bits, the following value:


echoes to:

6.0822444802213E+18 (cast to float)

On a fully 64 bits system, it echoes to:

16 years ago
In response to the comment by me at troyswanson dot net:

-2147483648 falls into the range of 32 bit signed integers yet php treats it as a float.  However, -2147483647-1 is treated as an integer.

The following code demonstrates:
(-2147483648); //float(-2147483648)
var_dump(-2147483647 - 1); //int(-2147483648)

This is probably very similar to the MS C bug which also treats -2147483648 as an UNSIGNED because it thinks it's out of the range of a signed int.

The problem is that the parser does not view "-x" as a single token, but rather as two, "-" and "x".  Since "x" is out of the range of an INT, it is promoted to float, even though in this unique case, "-x" is in the range of an int.

The best cure is probably to replace "-2147483648" with "0x80000000", as that is the hexadecimal equivalent of the same number.

Hope that helps explain what's going on


- Eric / fez
wbcarts at juno dot com
15 years ago
PHP offers a slew of built-in functions and automatic type-casting routines which can get pretty complicated. But most of the time, you still have to take matters into your own hands and allow PHP to do its thing. In that case, and something that has NOT been mentioned, is how to construct your code. To keep things simple, I divide all my scripts in half. The top half gives my scripts the "capability" they need, and the lower half is the actual code to be "run" or "executed".

* build the program's capability - define variables and functions...
$item_label = '';        // type string
$item_price = 0.0;       // type float
$item_qty = 1;           // type integer
$item_total = 0.0;       // type float - to set use calculate()

function calculate(){
$item_price, $item_qty, $item_total;
$item_price = number_format($item_price, 2);
$item_total = number_format(($item_price * $item_qty), 2);

itemToString() {
$item_label, $item_price, $item_qty, $item_total;
"$item_label [price=\$$item_price, qty=$item_qty, total=\$$item_total]";

* run the program - set data, call methods...
$item_label = "Coffee";
$item_price = 3.89;
$item_qty = 2;
calculate();           // set $item_total
echo itemToString();   // -> Coffee [price=$3.89, qty=2, total=$7.78]

$item_label = "Chicken";
$item_price = .80;     // per lb.
$item_qty = 3.5;       // lbs.
calculate();           // set $item_total
echo itemToString();   // -> Chicken [price=$0.80, qty=3.5, total=$2.80]
Note: All type-casting is done by PHP's built-in number_format() method. This allows our program to enter any number (float or int) on item price or quantity in the runtime part of our script. Also, if we explicitly cast values to integer in the capability part of our script, then we start getting results that may not be desirable for this program. For example, if in the calculate method we cast item_qty to integer, then we can no longer sell chicken by the pound!
13453814063 at 163 dot com
6 years ago
$e = 0x8000000000000000;
$e2 = 0b1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
if ($e == $e2){
    echo "e==e2<br>";
    echo "e!=e2<br>";
pirnt "e!=e2"
echo decbin($e) . "<br>";
echo decbin($e2) . "<br>";
the result is :
dewi at dewimorgan dot com
9 years ago
Note that the soft-typing of numbers in PHP means that some things become very difficult. For example, efficiently emulating the more common linear congruential generators (LCGs) for fast, deterministic, pseudo-randomness. The naive code to create the next value in a sequence (for power-of-2 values of $m) is:

$seed = ($seed * $a + $c) % $m;

...where $m, $a, and $c are values and data types carefully chosen such that repeating this operation will eventually generate every value in the range $0 to $m, with no repetition.

I can find no good commonly used LCGs which use PHP-compatible values. The LCG values used in by rand() in systems like Borland Delphi, Virtual Pascal, MS Visual/Quick C/C++, VMS's MTH$RANDOM, old versions of glibc, Numerical Recipes, glibc, GCC, ANSI C, Watcom, Digital Mars, CodeWarrior, IBM VisualAge C/C++, java.util.Random, Newlib, MMX... *all* fail when ported, for one of two reasons, and sometimes both:

- In PHP on 32 bit machines and all Windows machines, $m = 2^32 or larger requires UInt or even UInt64, or the result becomes negative.

- Large $a multiplied by an integer seed gets converted to a float64, but the number can be too long for the 53-bit mantissa, and it drops the least significant digits... but the LCG code above requires that the most significant digits should be lost.

These are two classes of problem to beware of when porting integer math to PHP,  and I see no clean and efficient way to avoid either one.

So if designing a cross-platform system that must work in PHP, you must select LCG values that fit the following criteria:
$m = 2^31 or less (PHP limitation). Recommend: 2^31.
$a = Less than 2^22 (PHP limitation); $a-1 divisible by all prime factors of $m; $a-1 divisible by 4 if $m is. Recommend: 1+(4*(any prime <= 1048573)).
$c = smaller than (2^53-($m*$a)) (PHP limitation); relatively prime with $m. Recommend: any prime <= 23622320123.
popefelix at gmail dot com
17 years ago
Be careful when using integer conversion to test something to see if it evaluates to a positive integer or not.  You might get unexpected behaviour.

To wit:

$date = new Date();
"\$date is an instance of " . get_class($date) . "\n";
$date += 0;
"\$date is now $date\n";

$foo = new foo();
"\$foo is an instance of " . get_class($foo) . "\n";
$foo += 0;
"\$foo is now $foo\n";

foo {
$bar = 0;
$baz = "la lal la";

foo() {
$bak = 3.14159;

After the integer conversion, you might expect both $foo and $date to evaluate to 0.  However, this is not the case:

$date is an instance of Date

Notice: Object of class Date could not be converted to int in /home/kpeters/work/sketches/ObjectSketch.php on line 7
$date is now 1
$foo is an instance of foo

Notice: Object of class foo could not be converted to int in /home/kpeters/work/sketches/ObjectSketch.php on line 13
$foo is now 1

This is because the objects are first converted to boolean before being converted to int.
rickard_cedergren at yahoo dot com
19 years ago
When doing large subtractions on 32 bit unsigned integers the result sometimes end up negative. My example script converts a IPv4 address represented as a 32 bit unsigned integer to a dotted quad (similar to ip2long()), and adds a "fix" to the operation.

    * int_oct($ip)
    * Convert INTeger rep of IP to octal (dotted quad)
   function int_oct($ip) {

      /* Set variable to float */
      settype($ip, float);

      /* FIX for silly PHP integer syndrome */
      $fix = 0;
      if($ip > 2147483647) $fix = 16777216;

      if(is_numeric($ip)) {
                $ip / 16777216,
                (($ip % 16777216) + $fix) / 65536,
                (($ip % 65536) + $fix / 256) / 256,
                ($ip % 256) + $fix / 256 / 256
      else {
jmw254 at cornell dot edu
17 years ago
Try this one instead:

function iplongtostring($ip)
    $ip=floatval($ip); // otherwise it is capped at


    return "$a.$b.$c.$d";
php at keith tyler dot com
13 years ago
If you need to convert a numeric string (or more to the point, an object that represents a numeric value) that is greater then PHP_INT_MAX, and you don't have GMP or BCMath installed, you can cast to float.

For example, when using SimpleXMLElement, you sometimes have to cast the extracted values, such as xml attributes, because they are returned as SimpleXMLElements and not their values' native types. While print() has no trouble with converting them, other functions, such as max(), might not.

But if you cast such a value with (int), and it is over PHP_INT_MAX, you will just get PHP_INT_MAX (and vice versa for negative numbers).

The Q&D no-muss solution is to cast to (float) instead.
sean dot gilbertson at gmail dot com
15 years ago
You can make a signed, negative integer an unsigned integer (in string form) by doing the following:

= sprintf('%u', -5);

$unsigned; // prints 4294967291
Hamza Burak Ylmaz
15 years ago
//This is a simple function to return number of digits of an integer.

//function declaration
function count_digit($number)
$digit = 0;
$number /= 10;      //$number = $number / 10;
$number = intval($number);

//function call
$num = 12312;
$number_of_digits = count_digit($num); //this is call :)
echo $number_of_digits;
//prints 5
13 years ago
Integer arithmetic in PHP is more accurate than one might think. On a 32-bit system, the largest value that can be held in an INT is  2147483647.
However, a FLOAT can accurately hold integer values up to 10000000000000.
(this is because the significand precision of a double is 53-bits).
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