Liste der php.ini-Abschnitte

Diese Liste beinhaltet die php.ini Abschnitte die Sie für die Konfiguration auf Basis des Host- oder Pfadnames nutzen können. Diese Abschnitte sind optional.

Die Abschnitte selbst beeinflussen PHP nicht direkt. Sie werden genutzt um andere php.ini Direktiven zu gruppieren und sie für einen bestimmten Host- oder Pfadnamen anzuwenden.

Diese Abschnitte werden nur benutzt, wenn PHP über CGI/FastCGI operiert, und können extension und zend_extension nicht setzen.

Name Veränderbar Changelog
[HOST=] PHP_INI_SYSTEM Hinzugefügt in PHP 5.3.0.
[PATH=] PHP_INI_SYSTEM Hinzugefügt in PHP 5.3.0.

Hier eine kurze Erklärung der Konfigurationsoptionen:


Dieser Abschnitt gestattet die Definition einer Gruppe von php.ini Direktiven die für einen bestimmten Host Anwendung finden sollen.

Beispiel #1 Aktiviere volle Fehlerausgaben im Browser für die dev. Domain

error_reporting = E_ALL
display_errors = On


Dieser Abschnitt gestattet die Definition einer Gruppe von php.ini Direktiven die für einen bestimmten Pfad Anwendung finden sollen.

Beispiel #2 Binde für ein zu sicherndes Verzeichnis ein Sicherheitsscript hinzu


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User Contributed Notes 8 notes

public at grik dot net
14 years ago
In [HOST=...] one should use only the 1st server name from the list of server names.

I.E. if you have
and will use in a browser,
use [] in php.ini for both addresses.

PHP looks not at the HOST request header (as I expected), but at the SERVER_NAME parameter (which by default is the 1st from the list of names, no matter what the HOST is).
dasloch at absatzen dot de
4 years ago
Note that you cannot usefully set syslog.* in [PATH=] (and probably [HOST=]) sections, since the syslogger is initialized only once per php-fpm worker process, and not per request.
13 years ago
Just developed the probably first php.ini hack to add commands which will only be parsed before PHP 5.3 when using mod_php.


# Disable eAccelerator by default
eaccelerator.enable = 0

# Now, to prevent incompatibilities with Zend Optimizer+, we
# want to enable eAccelerator only in PHP 5.2 or lower.
eaccelerator.enable = 1


What is happening here? In PHP 5.3, php.ini sections to set up PHP on a per host basis have been introduced:

These sections only work in CGI/FastCGI mode, however there still seems to be a difference in how the php.ini file is parsed in PHP 5.2 and PHP 5.3 when using mod_php: PHP 5.3 ignores everything below the line [HOST=*], whereas PHP 5.2 does not.

In the above example, PHP 5.3 only reads "eaccelerator.enable = 0" and then stops at the invalid command [HOST=*]. However, PHP 5.2 seems to ignore the invalid command and parses the whole configuration file, ending up with "eaccelerator.enable = 1".
z dot himdi at bita dot nl
12 years ago
On Windows IIS 7 server I noticed that [PATH=] was not listened to. [HOST=] however worked.
robinhook at mail dot com
6 years ago
this HOST and PATH sections doesn't seems to work in php.ini under apache 2.4 with php-fpm 7.1.16 for directive php_value or php_admin_value open_basedir or include_path.
phpinfo() says "none" in master and local values.
robinhook at mail dot com
6 years ago
Sorry for the note. I've read some bad tutorials.
The correct syntax is : directive = 'value'
not a thing like : php_value[directive] = "somevalue"
robert dot johnson at icap dot com
14 years ago
Adding PATH= applies only to the named path and does not include sub-directories, you have to add a PATH= value for each sub-directory.

Also some settings have no effect even though phpinfo recognises and displays the per-folder value as the 'local' value, and the default as the 'master' value.

'fastcgi.impersonate' always uses the master setting.
crash at lubyte dot de
13 years ago
If you have a system which uses separated PHP inis for loading extensions (Debian, Fedora and most other distributions do so), [PATH=] or [HOST=] will prevent loading extensions defined in those ini files (extension= and zend_extension=).

I had some headache, when I added a hosts.ini to /etc/php5/cgi/conf.d (Debians default), where I wanted to define some defaults for a host name. The manual says extension= and zend_extension= aren't allowed in [HOST=] and [PATH=] (see above). I figured out that you can easily fix that with adding [PHP] after your definitions.

For example hosts.ini:
display_errors = on


this will change the section back to [PHP] where extension= and zend_extension= is allowed.
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