
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

headerSendet einen HTTP-Header in Rohform


header ( string $header , bool $replace = true , int $response_code = 0 ) : void

header() wird zum Senden von HTTP-Anfangsinformationen (Headern) im Rohformat verwendet. Weitere Informationen über die HTTP-Header finden Sie in der » HTTP/1.1-Spezifikation.

Beachten Sie, dass Sie die Funktion header() aufrufen müssen, bevor Sie irgendeine andere Art von Ausgabe (seien es normale HTML-Tags, Leerzeilen in einer Datei oder von PHP) zum Client schicken. Es handelt sich hier um einen typischen Fehler, der zum Beispiel auftritt, wenn Sie Code mit Leerzeichen oder Leerzeilen, die ausgegeben werden, mittels include oder require oder einer anderen Datei-Zugriffsfunktion einlesen, bevor header() aufgerufen wird. Das gleiche Problem kann auch auftreten, wenn Sie eine Datei verwenden, in der HTML und PHP vermischt wurden.

/* Dies wird einen Fehler provozieren. Beachten Sie die vorangehende
 * Ausgabe, die vor dem Aufruf von header() erzeugt wird */
header('Location: http://www.example.com/');



Der Header-String.

Es gibt zwei Spezialfälle von Header-Aufrufen. Der erste ist ein Header, der mit "HTTP/" beginnt (ob Groß- oder Kleinschreibung ist nicht relevant). Dieser Header wird verwendet, um den zu sendenden HTTP-Statuscode anzugeben. Wenn Sie zum Beispiel Apache konfiguriert haben, um ein PHP-Skript zum Bearbeiten von Anforderungen fehlender Dateien (mittels der ErrorDocument-Direktive) zu verwenden, möchten Sie bestimmt sicherstellen, dass Ihr Skript den passenden Statuscode generiert.

("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");

Der zweite Spezialfall ist der "Location:"-Header. Es wird nicht nur der Header an den Browser geschickt, sondern auch ein REDIRECT (302) Statuscode, wenn nicht bereits der 201- oder ein 3xx-Statuscode gesendet wurde.

("Location: http://www.example.com/"); /* Browser umleiten */

/* Stellen Sie sicher, dass der nachfolgende Code nicht ausgeführt wird,
   wenn eine Umleitung stattfindet. */


Der optionale Parameter replace gibt an, ob der Header einen vorhergehenden gleichartigen Header ersetzen soll, oder ob ein zweiter Header des selben Typs hinzugefügt werden soll. Standardmäßig wird ersetzt; wenn Sie als zweites Argument false übergeben, können Sie so mehrere Header desselben Typs erzwingen. Zum Beispiel:

('WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate');
header('WWW-Authenticate: NTLM'false);


Forciert einen HTTP-Response-Code des angegebenen Wertes. Dieser Parameter hat nur einen Effekt, wenn header nicht leer ist.


Es wird kein Wert zurückgegeben.


Beispiel #1 Download-Dialog

Wollen Sie den Benutzer auffordern, die von Ihnen gesendeten Daten wie z. B. eine generierte PDF-Datei zu speichern, können Sie den Header » Content-Disposition verwenden, um einen empfohlenen Dateinamen anzubieten und den Browser zu zwingen, den Dialog zum Speichern anzuzeigen.

// Wir werden eine PDF-Datei ausgeben
header('Content-Type: application/pdf');

// Es wird downloaded.pdf benannt
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="downloaded.pdf"');

// Die originale PDF-Datei heißt original.pdf

Beispiel #2 Caching-Direktiven

PHP-Skripte erzeugen oft dynamische Inhalte, die weder vom Browser noch von irgendeinem Proxy zwischen Web-Server und Client-Browser gepuffert ("gecached") werden sollen bzw. dürfen. Bei vielen Proxies und Browsern kann das Cachen wie folgt unterbunden werden:

("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1
header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Datum in der Vergangenheit


Es könnte auch sein, dass Ihre Seiten nicht zwischengespeichert werden, auch wenn Sie obigen Header nicht ausgeben. Es gibt eine Anzahl Optionen, welche die Benutzer in ihrem Browser einstellen können, um das standardmäßige Caching-Verhalten zu verändern. Durch das Senden obiger Header sollten Sie jedwede Einstellungen, die die Ausgabe Ihres Skriptes zwischenspeichern würden, außer Kraft setzen.

Weiterhin können Sie session_cache_limiter() und die Konfigurationsoption session.cache_limiter verwenden, um die korrekten Header bezüglich Caching automatisch generieren zu lassen, sollten Sie Sessions verwenden.



Header sind nur dann zugänglich und werden nur dann gesendet, wenn die verwendete SAPI sie unterstützt.


Sie können die Limitierung, dass Header vor jeglicher Ausgabe gesendet werden müssen, umgehen, indem Sie die Ausgabepufferung verwenden, mit dem Overhead, dass Ihre gesamten Ausgaben an den Browser auf dem Server gepuffert werden, bis Sie diese senden. Sie können dies tun, indem Sie in Ihrem Skript ob_start() und ob_end_flush() verwenden, oder indem Sie die Konfigurationsdirektive output_buffering in der php.ini bzw. in den Server-Konfigurationsdateien auf "On" setzen.


Die HTTP-Status-Headerzeile wird immer die erste zum Client gesendete sein, egal ob der aktuelle header()-Aufruf der erste ist oder nicht. Der Status kann mittels header() jederzeit mit einer neuen Statuszeile überschrieben werden, sofern die HTTP-Header noch nicht gesendet wurden.


Der Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 hat einen Bug, der diese Funktionalität verhindert, und es gibt keinen Workaround. Auch im Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 existiert ein Bug, der dies behindert, dieser kann jedoch mittels eines Upgrades auf Service Pack 2 oder höher behoben werden.


Die meisten zeitgemäßen Clients akzeptieren relative URIs als Argument für » Location:, aber einige ältere Clients benötigen einen absoluten URI inklusive dem Schema, Hostnamen und absoluten Pfad. Gewöhnlich können Sie mittels $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] und dirname() aus einem relativen Link einen absoluten URI selbst erstellen:

/* Redirect auf eine andere Seite im aktuell angeforderten Verzeichnis */
$host  $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$uri   rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/\\');
$extra 'mypage.php';
header("Location: http://$host$uri/$extra");


Die Session-ID wird nicht mit dem Location-Header übermittelt, selbst wenn session.use_trans_sid eingeschaltet ist. Sie muss daher manuell durch Verwendung der Konstante SID hinzugefügt werden.

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User Contributed Notes 40 notes

mjt at jpeto dot net
14 years ago
I strongly recommend, that you use

header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]." 404 Not Found");

instead of

header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");

I had big troubles with an Apache/2.0.59 (Unix) answering in HTTP/1.0 while I (accidentially) added a "HTTP/1.1 200 Ok" - Header.

Most of the pages were displayed correct, but on some of them apache added weird content to it:

A 4-digits HexCode on top of the page (before any output of my php script), seems to be some kind of checksum, because it changes from page to page and browser to browser. (same code for same page and browser)

"0" at the bottom of the page (after the complete output of my php script)

It took me quite a while to find out about the wrong protocol in the HTTP-header.
Marcel G
14 years ago
Several times this one is asked on the net but an answer could not be found in the docs on php.net ...

If you want to redirect an user and tell him he will be redirected, e. g. "You will be redirected in about 5 secs. If not, click here." you cannot use header( 'Location: ...' ) as you can't sent any output before the headers are sent.

So, either you have to use the HTML meta refresh thingy or you use the following:

( "refresh:5;url=wherever.php" );
'You\'ll be redirected in about 5 secs. If not, click <a href="wherever.php">here</a>.';

Hth someone
Dylan at WeDefy dot com
16 years ago
A quick way to make redirects permanent or temporary is to make use of the $http_response_code parameter in header().

// 301 Moved Permanently
header("Location: /foo.php",TRUE,301);

// 302 Found
header("Location: /foo.php",TRUE,302);
header("Location: /foo.php");

// 303 See Other
header("Location: /foo.php",TRUE,303);

// 307 Temporary Redirect
header("Location: /foo.php",TRUE,307);

The HTTP status code changes the way browsers and robots handle redirects, so if you are using header(Location:) it's a good idea to set the status code at the same time.  Browsers typically re-request a 307 page every time, cache a 302 page for the session, and cache a 301 page for longer, or even indefinitely.  Search engines typically transfer "page rank" to the new location for 301 redirects, but not for 302, 303 or 307. If the status code is not specified, header('Location:') defaults to 302.
mandor at mandor dot net
18 years ago
When using PHP to output an image, it won't be cached by the client so if you don't want them to download the image each time they reload the page, you will need to emulate part of the HTTP protocol.

Here's how:


// Test image.
$fn = '/test/foo.png';

// Getting headers sent by the client.
$headers = apache_request_headers();

// Checking if the client is validating his cache and if it is current.
if (isset($headers['If-Modified-Since']) && (strtotime($headers['If-Modified-Since']) == filemtime($fn))) {
// Client's cache IS current, so we just respond '304 Not Modified'.
header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', filemtime($fn)).' GMT', true, 304);
    } else {
// Image not cached or cache outdated, we respond '200 OK' and output the image.
header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', filemtime($fn)).' GMT', true, 200);
header('Content-Length: '.filesize($fn));
header('Content-Type: image/png');


That way foo.png will be properly cached by the client and you'll save bandwith. :)
bebertjean at yahoo dot fr
15 years ago
If using the 'header' function for the downloading of files, especially if you're passing the filename as a variable, remember to surround the filename with double quotes, otherwise you'll have problems in Firefox as soon as there's a space in the filename.

So instead of typing:

("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . basename($filename));

you should type:

("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . basename($filename) . "\"");

If you don't do this then when the user clicks on the link for a file named "Example file with spaces.txt", then Firefox's Save As dialog box will give it the name "Example", and it will have no extension.

See the page called "Filenames_with_spaces_are_truncated_upon_download" at
http://kb.mozillazine.org/ for more information. (Sorry, the site won't let me post such a long link...)
6 years ago
It seems the note saying the URI must be absolute is obsolete. Found on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_location

«An obsolete version of the HTTP 1.1 specifications (IETF RFC 2616) required a complete absolute URI for redirection.[2] The IETF HTTP working group found that the most popular web browsers tolerate the passing of a relative URL[3] and, consequently, the updated HTTP 1.1 specifications (IETF RFC 7231) relaxed the original constraint, allowing the use of relative URLs in Location headers.»
ben at indietorrent dot org
12 years ago
Be aware that sending binary files to the user-agent (browser) over an encrypted connection (SSL/TLS) will fail in IE (Internet Explorer) versions 5, 6, 7, and 8 if any of the following headers is included:


See: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/323308

Workaround: do not send those headers.

Also, be aware that IE versions 5, 6, 7, and 8 double-compress already-compressed files and do not reverse the process correctly, so ZIP files and similar are corrupted on download.

Workaround: disable compression (beyond text/html) for these particular versions of IE, e.g., using Apache's "BrowserMatch" directive. The following example disables compression in all versions of IE:

BrowserMatch ".*MSIE.*" gzip-only-text/html
8 years ago
According to the RFC 6226 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6266), the only way to send Content-Disposition Header with encoding is:

Content-Disposition: attachment;
                          filename*= UTF-8''%e2%82%ac%20rates

for backward compatibility, what should be sent is:

Content-Disposition: attachment;
                          filename="EURO rates";

As a result, we should use

= '中文文件名.exe';   // a filename in Chinese characters

$contentDispositionField = 'Content-Disposition: attachment; '
. sprintf('filename="%s"; ', rawurlencode($filename))
sprintf("filename*=utf-8''%s", rawurlencode($filename));

header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');



I have tested the code in IE6-10, firefox and Chrome.
razvan_bc at yahoo dot com
6 years ago
/* This will give an error. Note the output
* above, which is before the header() call */
header('Location: http://www.example.com/');

this example is pretty good BUT in time you use "exit" the parser will still work to decide what's happening next the "exit" 's action should do ('cause if you check the manual exit works in others situations too).
SO MY POINT IS : you should use :

('Location: http://www.example.com/');

'CAUSE all die function does is to stop the script ,there is no other place for interpretation and the scope you choose to break the action of your script is quickly DONE!!!

there are many situations  with others examples and the right choose for small parts of your scrips that make differences when you write your php framework at well!

Thanks Rasmus Lerdorf and his team to wrap off parts of unusual php functionality ,php 7 roolez!!!!!
15 years ago
You can use HTTP's etags and last modified dates to ensure that you're not sending the browser data it already has cached.

= filemtime($file);
$etag = md5_file($file);

header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $last_modified_time)." GMT");
header("Etag: $etag");

if (@
strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) == $last_modified_time ||
trim($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) == $etag) {
header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified");
shutout2730 at yahoo dot com
15 years ago
It is important to note that headers are actually sent when the first byte is output to the browser. If you are replacing headers in your scripts, this means that the placement of echo/print statements and output buffers may actually impact which headers are sent. In the case of redirects, if you forget to terminate your script after sending the header, adding a buffer or sending a character may change which page your users are sent to.

This redirects to 2.html since the second header replaces the first.

("location: 1.html");
header("location: 2.html"); //replaces 1.html

This redirects to 1.html since the header is sent as soon as the echo happens. You also won't see any "headers already sent" errors because the browser follows the redirect before it can display the error.

("location: 1.html");
"send data";
header("location: 2.html"); //1.html already sent

Wrapping the previous example in an output buffer actually changes the behavior of the script! This is because headers aren't sent until the output buffer is flushed.

header("location: 1.html");
"send data";
header("location: 2.html"); //replaces 1.html
ob_end_flush(); //now the headers are sent
Cody G.
13 years ago
After lots of research and testing, I'd like to share my findings about my problems with Internet Explorer and file downloads.

  Take a look at this code, which replicates the normal download of a Javascript:

if(strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"],"MSIE")==false) {
header("Content-type: text/javascript");
header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"download.js\"");
header("Content-Length: ".filesize("my-file.js"));
} else {
header("Content-type: application/force-download");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"download.js\"");
header("Content-Length: ".filesize("my-file.js"));
header("Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 2010 05:00:00 GMT");
strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"],"MSIE")==false) {
header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
header("Pragma: no-cache");

Now let me explain:

  I start out by checking for IE, then if not IE, I set Content-type (case-sensitive) to JS and set Content-Disposition (every header is case-sensitive from now on) to inline, because most browsers outside of IE like to display JS inline. (User may change settings). The Content-Length header is required by some browsers to activate download box. Then, if it is IE, the "application/force-download" Content-type is sometimes required to show the download box. Use this if you don't want your PDF to display in the browser (in IE). I use it here to make sure the box opens. Anyway, I set the Content-Disposition to attachment because I already know that the box will appear. Then I have the Content-Length again.

  Now, here's my big point. I have the Cache-Control and Pragma headers sent only if not IE. THESE HEADERS WILL PREVENT DOWNLOAD ON IE!!! Only use the Expires header, after all, it will require the file to be downloaded again the next time. This is not a bug! IE stores downloads in the Temporary Internet Files folder until the download is complete. I know this because once I downloaded a huge file to My Documents, but the Download Dialog box put it in the Temp folder and moved it at the end. Just think about it. If IE requires the file to be downloaded to the Temp folder, setting the Cache-Control and Pragma headers will cause an error!

I hope this saves someone some time!
~Cody G.
admin at example dot com
3 years ago
<?php print phpversion() ?>
    i tut test






Код успешно выполнился, ошибок не было, предупреждений - тоже. Переадресация сработала нормально? Почему???

phpversion(): PHP 7.1 (7.1.33-17+ubuntu18.04.1+deb.sury.org+1)
atesin $ gmail
3 years ago
CGI (not FastCGI) is easy to learn and good for small http servers ... i am writing one to learn programming (python)... that lead me to research php-cgi internals

php running in CGI mode works like this:

- if we type "php-cgi[.exe]" at console, seems it freezes and nothing happens, but is actually waiting for a valid html/php code from standard input until EOF is reached (*nix: ctrl-d , win: ctrl-z + enter, or an actual piped file or stream)

- we can also enter a php file path as first parameter: "php-cgi /my/php/file"

- the two behaviors described above are disabled when GATEWAY_INTERFACE env-var is set (commonly with "CGI/1.1")

- if php-cgi was compiled with "--enable-force-cgi-redirect" option, it also requires the REDIRECT_STATUS env-var set to "200" (according php and nginx documentation)...

- so the current way to provide the file path is setting the SCRIPT_FILENAME env-var ... it also works with PATH_TRANSLATED but discouraged by security reasons

wikipedia and php have good documentation about CGI env-vars:

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Gateway_Interface
- https://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.server.php


suppose you pass this file/code to php-cgi

<?php echo mt_rand(1000, 999); ?>

php-cgi standard output will show some like
X-Powered-By: PHP/7.1.0
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8


note the few included response headers and the lack of status line... seems was made this way to continue previous headers from http server

this let me think about header() function, so i make little more tests

<?php header('Location: http://some.web.page'); ?>

Status: 302 Found
X-Powered-By: PHP/7.1.0
Location: http://some.web.page
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

note the new "status code" was not specified through "HTTP/..." status line but instead through a new "Status:" header ...  in fact there are 2 new headers, "Status:" and "Location:" according php header() documentation

this let me think, in cgi mode php header function don't have the access to actually change response status, maybe the cgi specification never intended ... i don't know what would happen with a response with "HTTP/X.Y 200 OK" and later "Status: 123 Other Status", the server should deal the situation

i also realized header() don't have the ability to force replace (via the second paramter) the headers sent by server, at least in cgi mode

dev at omikrosys dot com
14 years ago
Just to inform you all, do not get confused between Content-Transfer-Encoding and Content-Encoding

Content-Transfer-Encoding specifies the encoding used to transfer the data within the HTTP protocol, like raw binary or base64. (binary is more compact than base64. base64 having 33% overhead).
Eg Use:- header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');

Content-Encoding is used to apply things like gzip compression to the content/data.
Eg Use:- header('Content-Encoding: gzip');
Vinay Kotekar
9 years ago
Saving php file in ANSI  no isuess but when saving the file in UTF-8 format for various reasons remember to save the file without any BOM ( byte-order mark) support.
Otherwise you will face problem of headers not being properly sent
<?php header("Set-Cookie: name=user");?>

Would give something like this :-

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\www\info.php:1) in C:\www\info.php on line 1
tim at sharpwebdevelopment dot com
6 years ago
The header call can be misleading to novice php users.
when "header call" is stated, it refers the the top leftmost position of the file and not the "header()" function itself.
"<?php" opening tag must be placed before anything else, even whitespace.
mzheng[no-spam-thx] at ariba dot com
15 years ago
For large files (100+ MBs), I found that it is essential to flush the file content ASAP, otherwise the download dialog doesn't show until a long time or never.

("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . urlencode($file));   
header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
header("Content-Type: application/download");
header("Content-Description: File Transfer");            
header("Content-Length: " . filesize($file));
flush(); // this doesn't really matter.

$fp = fopen($file, "r");
while (!
fread($fp, 65536);
flush(); // this is essential for large downloads

chris at ocproducts dot com
7 years ago
Note that 'session_start' may overwrite your custom cache headers.
To remedy this you need to call:


...after you set your custom cache headers. It will tell the PHP session code to not do any cache header changes of its own.
nospam at nospam dot com
8 years ago

// Response codes behaviors when using
header('Location: /target.php', true, $code) to forward user to another page:

$code = 301;
// Use when the old page has been "permanently moved and any future requests should be sent to the target page instead. PageRank may be transferred."

$code = 302; (default)
// "Temporary redirect so page is only cached if indicated by a Cache-Control or Expires header field."

$code = 303;
// "This method exists primarily to allow the output of a POST-activated script to redirect the user agent to a selected resource. The new URI is not a substitute reference for the originally requested resource and is not cached."

$code = 307;
// Beware that when used after a form is submitted using POST, it would carry over the posted values to the next page, such if target.php contains a form processing script, it will process the submitted info again!

// In other words, use 301 if permanent, 302 if temporary, and 303 if a results page from a submitted form.
// Maybe use 307 if a form processing script has moved.

9 years ago
In the bottom note:
= rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), '/\\');

(But the strange behaviour of dirname is a problem for URL ending by a directory without file name!)
14 years ago
I just want to add, becuase I see here lots of wrong formated headers.

1. All used headers have first letters uppercase, so you MUST follow this. For example:

Location, not location
Content-Type, not content-type, nor CONTENT-TYPE

2. Then there MUST be colon and space, like

good: header("Content-Type: text/plain");
wrong: header("Content-Type:text/plain");

3. Location header MUST be absolute uri with scheme, domain, port, path, etc.

good: header("Location: http://www.example.com/something.php?a=1");

4. Relative URIs are NOT allowed

wrong:  Location: /something.php?a=1
wrong:  Location: ?a=1

It will make proxy server and http clients happier.
scott at lucentminds dot com
14 years ago
If you want to remove a header and keep it from being sent as part of the header response, just provide nothing as the header value after the header name. For example...

PHP, by default, always returns the following header:

"Content-Type: text/html"

Which your entire header response will look like

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache/2.2.11 (Unix)
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.8
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 23:05:07 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Connection: close

If you call the header name with no value like so...


( 'Content-Type:' );


Your headers now look like this:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache/2.2.11 (Unix)
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.8
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 23:05:07 GMT
Connection: close
15 years ago
Here is a php script I wrote to stream a file and crypt it with a xor operation on the bytes and with a key :

The encryption works very good but the speed is decrease by 2, it is now 520KiB/s. The user is now asked for a md5 password (instead of keeping it in the code directly). There is some part in French because it's my native language so modify it as you want.

// Stream files and encrypt the data on-the-fly

// Settings
// -- File to stream
$file = "FILE_out";
// -- Reading buffer
$bufferlength = 3840;
// -- Key in hex
//$keychar = "9cdfb439c7876e703e307864c9167a15";

// Function: Convertion hex key in a string into binary
function hex2bin($h) {
    if (!
is_string($h)) return null;
$r = array();
    for (
$a=0; ($a*2)<strlen($h); $a++) {
$ta = hexdec($h[2*$a]);
$tb = hexdec($h[(2*$a+1)]);
$r[$a] = (int) (($ta << 4) + $tb);

// Function to send the auth headers
function askPassword($text="Enter the password") {
header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="'. utf8_decode($text) .'"');
header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');

// Key is asked at the first start
if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) {
"Une clé est nécessaire !<br />";
// Get the key in hex
$keychar = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'];

// Convert key and set the size of the key
$key = hex2bin($keychar);
$keylength = count($key);
// Teste si la clé est valide en hex
if ($key == "" || $keylength <= 4) {
askPassword("Clé incorrecte !");
//echo "Clé incorrecte !<br />";
// Teste si la clé est de longueur d'une puissance de 2
if ( ($keylength%2) != 0) {
askPassword("Clé de longueur incorrecte (multiple de 2 uniquement)");
//echo "Clé de longueur incorrecte (puissance de 2 uniquement)<br />";

// Headers
header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream; ");
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
header("Content-Length: " . filesize($file) ."; ");
header("filename=\"".$file."\"; ");
flush(); // this doesn't really matter.

// Opening the file in read-only
$fp = fopen($file, "r");
while (!
// Read a buffer size of the file
$buffer = fread($fp, $bufferlength);
    for (
$i=0; $i < $bufferlength; $i++) {
// The key is read in loop to crypt the whole file
if ($i%$keylength == 0) {
// Apply a xor operation between the key and the file to crypt
        // This operation eats a lots of CPU time (Stream at 1MiB/s on my server; Intel E2180)
$tmp = pack("C", $key[$j]);
$bufferE = ( $buffer[$i]^$tmp); // <==== Le fameux XOR
        echo "<br />key[".$j."]: ";
        echo "<br />buffer[".$i."]: ";
        echo "<br />bufferE: ";
        echo "<br />";
        // Send the encrypted data
echo $bufferE;
// Clean the memory
$bufferE = "";
$buffer = "";
flush(); // this is essential for large downloads
// Close the file and it's finished

php at ober-mail dot de
4 years ago
Since PHP 5.4, the function `http_​response_​code()` can be used to set the response code instead of using the `header()` function, which requires to also set the correct protocol version (which can lead to problems, as seen in other comments).
bMindful at fleetingiamge dot org
21 years ago
If you haven't used, HTTP Response 204 can be very convenient. 204 tells the server to immediately termiante this request. This is helpful if you want a javascript (or similar) client-side function to execute a server-side function without refreshing or changing the current webpage. Great for updating database, setting global variables, etc.

     header("status: 204");  (or the other call)
     header("HTTP/1.0 204 No Response");
14 years ago
My files are in a compressed state (bz2). When the user clicks the link, I want them to get the uncompressed version of the file.

After decompressing the file, I ran into the problem, that the download dialog would always pop up, even when I told the dialog to 'Always perform this operation with this file type'.

As I found out, the problem was in the header directive 'Content-Disposition', namely the 'attachment' directive.

If you want your browser to simulate a plain link to a file, either change 'attachment' to 'inline' or omit it alltogether and you'll be fine.

This took me a while to figure out and I hope it will help someone else out there, who runs into the same problem.
hrushiemail at gmail dot com
5 years ago
[warning : "cannot modify header information"] in php
for fixing this issue follow below steps:

1) open your php.ini file.......
In that php.ini enable the output_buffering

   output_buffering = 1

2) save the file
3) and restart your web server

for linux user type in terminal,
    service httpd restart
jp at webgraphe dot com
20 years ago
A call to session_write_close() before the statement

("Location: URL");

is recommended if you want to be sure the session is updated before proceeding to the redirection.

We encountered a situation where the script accessed by the redirection wasn't loading the session correctly because the precedent script hadn't the time to update it (we used a database handler).

dheeraj dot br2 at gmail dot com
9 years ago
The piece of code in the manual which is as follows

/* This will give an error. Note the output
* above, which is before the header() call */
header('Location: http://www.example.com/');

this will not throw a warning as the .ini settings for output buffering is by default on.
to get the error you may have to change the server setting or simply add a line explicitly to close output buffering by using "ob_end_clean()" or similar
Angelica Perduta
4 years ago
I made a script that generates an optimized image for use on web pages using a 404 script to resize and reduce original images, but on some servers it was generating the image but then not using it due to some kind of cache somewhere of the 404 status. I managed to get it to work with the following and although I don't quite understand it, I hope my posting here does help others with similar issues:

    header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0");
    header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
    header("Pragma: no-cache");
    // ... and then try redirecting
    // 201 = The request has been fulfilled, resulting in the creation of a new resource however it's still not loading
    // 302 "moved temporarily" does seems to load it!
    header("location:$dst", FALSE, 302); // redirect to the file now we have it
nobileelpirata at hotmail dot com
17 years ago
This is the Headers to force a browser to use fresh content (no caching) in HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1:

( 'Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT' );
header( 'Last-Modified: ' . gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s' ) . ' GMT' );
header( 'Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate' );
header( 'Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false );
header( 'Pragma: no-cache' );

hamza dot eljaouhari dot etudes at gmail dot com
6 years ago
// Beware that adding a space between the keyword "Location" and the colon causes an Internal Sever Error

//This line causes the error
header('Location : index.php&controller=produit&action=index');

// While It must be written without the space
header('Location: index.php&controller=produit&action=index');
16 years ago
I spent a long time trying to determine why Internet Explorer 7 wasn't prompting the user to save a download based on the filename specified on a "'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=..." header line.

I eventually determined that my Apache installation was adding an additional header: "Vary: Host", which was throwing IE - as per http://support.microsoft.com/kb/824847

I found manually setting the Vary header from within PHP as follows header('Vary: User-Agent'); allowed IE to behave as intended.

Hope this saves someone else some time,

- Kal
15 years ago
The encoding of a file is discovered by the Content-Type, either in the HTML meta tag or as part of the HTTP header. Thus, the server and browser does not need - nor expect - a Unicode file to begin with a BOM mark. BOMs can confuse *nix systems too. More info at http://unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#bom1

On another note: Safari can display CMYK images (at least the OS X version, because it uses the services of QuickTime)
er dot ellison dot nyc at gmail dot com
8 years ago
DO NOT PUT space between location and the colon that comes after that ,
header("Location : #whatever"); // -> will not work !

header("Location: #wahtever"); // -> will work forever !
this dot person at joaocunha dot eti dot br
14 years ago

Header MUST be sent before EVERYTHING in the page. Even a single space will break your script. In my case, there was BOM setted in the encoding, so I opened the file with notepad++ and set the encoding to UTF-8 (no BOM) and voila, everything is working great now.
2962051004 at qq dot com
6 years ago

In some special cases, to disable a web page from being cached by the browser, the following function can implement this function:
function disabledcache()
header("Expires: 0"); // 向后兼容HTTP/1.0  
header("Pragma: no-cache"); // 支持HTTP/1.1  
header("Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store,max-age=0,s-maxage=0,must-revalidate");
cedric at gn dot apc dot org
13 years ago
Setting a Location header "returns a REDIRECT (302) status code to the browser unless the 201 or a 3xx status code has already been set".  If you are sending a response to a POST request, you might want to look at RFC 2616 sections 10.3.3 and 10.3.4.   It is suggested that if you want the browser to immediately GET the resource in the Location header in this circumstance, you should use a 303 status code not the 302 (with the same link as hypertext in the body for very old browsers).  This may have (rare) consequences as mentioned in bug 42969.
ASchmidt at Anamera dot net
6 years ago
Setting the "Location: " header has another undocumented side-effect!

It will also disregard any expressly set "Content-Type: " and forces:

"Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"

The HTTP RFCs don't call for such a drastic action. They simply state that a redirect content SHOULD include a link to the destination page (in which case ANY HTML compatible content type would do). But PHP even overrides a perfectly standards-compliant
"Content-Type: application/xhtml+xml"!
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